Aanmelden | Webinar | Beleggersbijeenkomst

Webinar over succesvol investeren in water

Data voor de volgende webinar (maart 2024) wordt binnenkort aangekondigt. 



Clear Waters film (Première)

Dutch Clean Tech heet u van harte welkom op een avond vol inspiratie, onvoorspelbare wendingen en emoties. Lukt het ons om de mensen in Guatemala schoon water te geven?

Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:

Mis de kans niet om deelgenoot te worden van de wereldpremière over de unieke aanpak van Dutch Clean Tech. Samen maken wij de wereld mooier voor toekomstige generaties.

We verwelkomen u graag op 28 februari om 18:00 tot 21:00 bij Tuschinski Amsterdam.
Reguliersbreestraat 26-34 1017 CN Amsterdam

Clear Waters

A compelling documentary about our fight against water scarcity and water pollution in Guatemala. A unique insight into the personal and business challenges of the protagonists.

Dutch Clean Tech - Smart Technologies clean water solutions

Smart technologies

Dutch Clean Tech drinking water solution

No investment needed

Dutch Clean Tech - clean water - our way of working

Our way of working

About Dutch Clean Tech

It is our fundamental belief that everyone should always have access to clean water

We want to make a difference with our water cleaning technology, contributing to a better world

Safe drinking water and basic sanitary facilities are essential for a healthy and comfortable life. Unfortunately, there are still many people who don’t have access to these basic needs. In many areas, sanitary facilities are nowhere near sufficient, and too many people must travel for hours each day for their water supply. To these people, having easy and affordable safe drinking water means a chance to a better life.

Being an international business with a can-do attitude, it is in our DNA to care for others and always look for opportunities to have a positive impact on our society at large. That is why we work so hard to bring smart clean water solutions to communities everywhere. Together we contribute to a better world.

Dutch Clean Tech Sander Pielkenrood

Sander Pielkenrood

CEO Dutch Clean Tech

Our solutions

people without clean drinking water
people without sanitairy facilities
40 %
global water deficit by 2030
80 %
discharge of untreated wastewater

revolutionary new business model

No investment needed

Revolutionary business model, you only pay for use and not for ownership.

We provide solutions, not just equipment

If we don’t perform, you don’t pay.

Easy to scale up

We develop smart and affordable technical solutions to provide clean water to communities everywhere. We can quickly scale up because of the modular design and local approach.


  • Plug-and-play
  • We take care of operation and maintenance
  • All costs included
  • Low energy consumption
  • Reusing treated sewage for e.g. irrigation
  • $3 per person/month


  • Plug-and-play
  • We take care of operation and maintenance
  • All costs included
  • Low energy and chemical consumption
  • Fully complies with WHO and local standards
  • $3 per person/month

We want to improve lives and contribute to a better world