Sustainable Investing at Dutch Clean Tech
Participation starting from 100,000 euros
9% annual return
Quarterly interest payout
"Invest with impact
receive a return of 9%"
Repayment due by December 31, 2030
Bonds are tradable
No issuance and management fees

Aanmelden | Webinar | Beleggersbijeenkomst
Beleggen in water
- Donderdag 28 november 2024
- 19:30
Data voor de volgende webinar (maart 2024) wordt binnenkort aangekondigt.Â


Invest in the solution
Clean water is a significant global problem. In Western Europe, we often cannot imagine totally polluted rivers, lakes, and oceans. However, 80% of the world’s wastewater is discharged untreated.
Nature can no longer recover
Perhaps a hundred years ago, this wasn’t a significant problem. There were 2 billion people on Earth, and nature could recover. Fifty years ago, the global population grew to 4 billion. Now, we are 8 billion strong. Nature can no longer heal itself.
Immediate action required
We must start treating our wastewater in the short term. If we don’t, according to the United Nations, by 2050, around 6 billion people will face water scarcity. These people will not accept this and will move to places without water scarcity.
Diseases caused by polluted water
Not only is water scarcity a problem, but also water-related diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and a range of viruses. Did you know that currently, 30% of all hospital beds worldwide are occupied by patients with a water-related illness?
Governments feel the urgency
Most governments worldwide now understand that clean water is a pressing issue that needs to be resolved soon. Citizens no longer tolerate polluted environments. Organizations like the United Nations are also increasing pressure on their members in line with the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. We have no choice but to restore the natural water balance. As an investor, you can contribute to this while achieving a socially responsible return.

Combining knowledge and money
To properly treat wastewater, two things are needed: knowledge and money. Dutch Clean Tech offers the perfect solution by combining both requirements.
A wastewater treatment plant costs money, from around 1 million euros for a village of 2000 people to 50 million euros for a city with a million inhabitants. Naturally, lack of funds is one of the main reasons that 80% of the world’s wastewater is discharged untreated.
Unique business model Dutch Clean Tech
Dutch Clean Tech solves this problem with a unique business model. We offer installations on a ‘pay for use, not for ownership’ basis. Our customers, often regional or local governments, pay a fixed monthly fee and sign long-term contracts.
To finance the projects, we established a water fund: Dutch Clean Tech Water Fund BV. Private and professional investors can invest with us. We pay them a fair return and invest the money in the construction of wastewater treatment plants. This way, we connect communities. The local community receives clean water, and the investor receives a return.

Sander Pielkenrood
Then you can easily register here through the online form.
Dutch Clean Tech Bonds

Great market potential
According to the United Nations, 100 billion US dollars per year is needed over the next ten years to solve the water problem. That’s a huge market, of which Dutch Clean Tech aims to capture a part.
Municipalities and commercial parties are lining up to do business with us. That makes sense because our proposition works. Why? Because everyone benefits. Residents, governments, investors, and Dutch Clean Tech.
200 million euros in contracts
We aim to close contracts worth 200 million euros this year. That sounds like a high amount, and it is. However, it’s just a few wastewater treatment plants. And considering the list of outstanding offers, 200 million euros is also a realistic goal.
To finance the projects, we now want to raise the first 30 million euros by issuing bonds. You can participate starting from 100,000 euros. Do you also want to invest sustainably with Dutch Clean Tech to make both impact and return? The choice is yours.
How we work
Investments in
water treatment plants
Focus on social impact
and sustainability

The story behind Dutch Clean Tech
Dutch Clean Tech is a Dutch family business with a rich history of innovations. With sixty years of experience in water treatment, we aim to contribute to a better world. Until recently, we mainly supplied custom installations to industrial customers with our sister organization Pielkenrood, focusing strongly on recovering valuable resources from waste streams.
The origin of our dream
For decades, we have visited various countries, including those with extreme poverty where the population lacks basic needs like clean water. This sparked the dream of providing water treatment to millions in developing countries, including a smart financing model.
We are convinced that everyone should always and everywhere have access to clean water and sanitation facilities. We can provide this with our smart solutions for communities worldwide. Quickly deployable, scalable, and affordable through the unique business model.
Sustainable investing at Dutch Clean Tech
Connecting and strengthening two worlds
Investors invest with Dutch Clean Tech at a healthy return, and we use that money to build water treatment plants. With as many local suppliers as possible, aiming for clean water for everyone.
Quickly scalable with smart technology
Modular units that are quickly deployable, scalable, and remotely controllable and operable through smart technology.
"Our solutions structurally change the lives of millions and connect communities."
Pay for use, not for the investment
Customers do not need to invest in the installations but pay monthly for use based on long-term contracts.
Social impact and sustainability
We believe it is important to build circular installations. The treated water can be safely reused, maintaining the natural water balance.
Investing with impact
- Return from 9%
- Your return starts once the deposit is received
- Quarterly interest payout
- Maximum term of 7 years
- Bonds are tradable
- No emission and management fees

Heeft u de brochure gelezen en wilt u graag meer informatie? Of wilt u investeren in de obligaties van Dutch Clean Tech? Vraag dan het informatiememorandum aan. Daarin leest u in detail hoe u kunt beleggen bij Dutch Clean Tech, wat uw rendement is en wat de risico’s zijn.

DCT Portaal
Via het portaal kunt u als investeerder inloggen en direct uw beleggingen en rendement bekijken. Documentatie, eventuele looptijden en uw rendement heeft u op elk gewenst ogenblik binnen handbereik. Ook kunt u zich gemakkelijk inschrijven voor nieuwe emissies. Nog geen account?
Clear Waters
A compelling documentary about our fight against water scarcity and water pollution in Guatemala. A unique insight into the personal and business challenges of the protagonists.
Liquid Assets Podcast
Welcome to Liquid Assets – a show with Mark Felstead where we talk to some of the world’s leading minds on how to fix one of the world’s biggest problems…making clean water available to everyone the world over.

Everything about bonds
As a bondholder, you receive a fixed coupon interest every quarter. Additionally, bonds have a fixed end date, at least for the bonds issued by Dutch Clean Tech. This means that besides the fixed interest payout, you will get your principal back at the end of the term, unless the issuing party goes bankrupt in the worst-case scenario.
Of course, investing in bonds also carries risks. You can read more about this in the information memorandum.
Investing naturally involves risks. Money in a savings account is safer, but you are sure to erode your wealth, especially given the current inflation. If Dutch Clean Tech goes bankrupt in the worst-case scenario, investors could indeed lose their principal. Therefore, always invest only with money that you can actually afford to lose. We do not expect this to happen, but it is important to inform you so that you can properly weigh the risks.
There are two bond categories for Dutch Clean Tech Water Fund Bonds I
Category A:
- 10% fixed annual return
- 30 bonds with a nominal value of 100,000 euros each (SOLD OUT)
Category B:
- 9% fixed annual return
- 1,080 bonds with a nominal value of 25,000 euros each
The interest period starts on the day we receive your investment. Both categories can be repaid early and have a maximum term of 7 years. Only after all Category B bonds are repaid will the Category A bonds be repaid. By December 31, 2030, we will repay the remaining amount in one go, including all Category A bonds.
We currently offer a single bond category:
- 1,080 Category B bonds at €25,000 each. The fixed coupon interest is 9% per year with a maximum term of seven years. These bonds can be repaid early.
The minimum participation is €100,000.
- Dutch Clean Tech Water Fund BV primarily invests the money in the construction of wastewater treatment plants.
- Dutch Clean Tech Water Fund BV can also invest the raised funds in projects related to or for the benefit of clean water and renewable energy.
- Thirdly, we are exploring the possibilities of investing in waste processing projects, with an emphasis on recycling and generating energy from waste.
- Additionally, there are costs associated with structuring and issuing these bonds and selling the lease contracts.
The bonds in Dutch Clean Tech Water Fund BV are tradable during the term, ensuring maximum flexibility. These bonds are not listed on a regular exchange. Therefore, there is no public marketplace where the bonds can be offered. The bonds are thus privately tradable.
Additionally, you can indicate to Dutch Clean Tech that you wish to sell your share certificates. We will then offer the shares to the current investors of Dutch Clean Tech. Currently, we are working on a listing on a regulated exchange. We expect to achieve this within a few years. From that moment, your bonds will be directly tradable.
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