Clean water for Santa Rosa – Mexico
Dutch Clean Tech has reached an agreement with a private company on the realization of a sewage treatment plant that will allow this buyer to supply clean water to the city of Santa Rosa in Mexico.
Dutch Clean Tech will build a relatively large sewage treatment plant in the Santa Rosa region, with a capacity of 35,000 cubic meters per day. That is equivalent to the water consumption of around 230,000 households.
Large demand for water
The Santa Rosa Project meets a great need for good water from local industry and households, including for sprinkling gardens, parks, and golf courses. Clean water is currently so expensive in this region that users pay $2 to $3 per cubic meter. With the construction of a new DCT plant, capacity will soon be greatly increased and DCT will be able to offer not only cleaner water but also cheaper water, than is currently possible. Moreover, no more untreated water will be discharged into nature, which is good for the environment and for restoring the natural water balance.
Funding too
It is important to mention that the private partner that will actually supply DCT’s treated water had difficulty getting large investments for the water treatment round in terms of financing. DCT’s approach, where we provide both technology and funding in this case, struck a chord with this party.