DCT joins Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)
Published at: 22 February 2023
Dutch Clean Tech (DCT) has joined the largest Dutch water network in the Netherlands, Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP). By joining this organisation, DCT hopes to contribute its water treatment expertise to the platform, especially in an international context.
First point of contact water sector
The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is the first point of contact for anyone looking for water management expertise or contact with the Dutch water sector. Through its broad and growing network, NWP is also the first point of contact for its members in the Netherlands looking for partnerships and business opportunities internationally.
Strong and smart
It is also for the latter reason that DCT joins the organisation. “The idea of ‘strong and smart together’ really appeals to us. Together, we are an enquiry point and point of contact for anyone seeking expertise in the field of clean water. Also, united in NWP, we can give ourselves a better entrance to international organisations – think of the United Nations – and to governments,” says DCT’s CEO Sander Pielkenrood.
Strong together
NWP believes that strong partnerships and sharing of expertise can help solve global water problems.
The NWP network consists of parties with international water ambitions, including companies, governments, knowledge institutions and NGOs. NWP services include finding the right contacts at home and abroad, obtaining information on foreign markets, participating in events, visibility on NWP communication channels and other activities that help strengthen the international position of participating companies.